The Rivertones Harmony Chorus Christmas Quiz 2013 – The Answers!

Thank you for entering the Rivertones quiz. On first looking at the answers it appeared there were several winners, but on closer scrutiny we found that some of the answers for the book titles were not absolutely correct eg Canterbury Tales and not THE Canterbury Tales. We therefore gave half points for not having the THE. This may seem a bit harsh, but it did mean we had an overall winner with 74 points – Jane Collins.

Example 4 = sides to a square

1. 16 O in a P 16 Ounces in a Pound

2.  3 LMFSAW 3 Little Maids From School Are We

3. 26 AN of I 26 Atomic Number of Iron

4. 6 WWST for BJK 6 Women’s Wimbledon Singles Titles for Billie Jean King

5.  7 LGS in the BS 7 Little Girls Sitting in the Back Seat

6.  8 D a W (BS) 8 Days a Week (Beatles’ Song)

7.  1 FO the CN 1 Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

8. 9 DQ (LJG) 9 Days Queen (Lady Jane Grey)

9. 11 DS (OH of the C of the E) 11 Downing Street (Official Home of the Chancellor of the Exchequer)

10.  21 S on a D 21 Spots on a Dice

11. 2 S to ES 2 Sides to Every Story

12. 12 HF on the BS 12 Hurricane Force on the Beaufort Scale

13. 24 HFT 24 Hours From Tulsa

14. 19 to the D 19 to the Dozen

15. 14 L in a S 14 Lines in a Sonnet

16. 4 H of the A 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

17.13 U for S 13 Unlucky for Some

18. 27 B in the NT 27 Books in the New Testament

19. 17 N O H for the B 17 Number One Hits for the Beatles

20. 18 VA 18 Voting Age

21. 22 Y in a C  22 Yards in a Chain

22. 20 Q 20 Questions

23. 36 BK on a P  36 Black Keys on a Piano

24.29 D in F (in a LY) 29 Days in February (in a Leap Year)

25. 8 P in the SS 8 Planets in the Solar System

These are all book titles


26. What the batsmen dread finding in the grass The Catcher in the Rye

27.  Italian artist’s secret message The Da Vinci Code

28.  Rich land surrounded by water Treasure Island

29. Golfing Red (anag) Goldfinger

30.  Sandy or pebbled area by the sea The Beach

31.  Stories about a Kent city The Canterbury Tales

32.  Slaughter a teasing flying creature To Kill a Mocking Bird

33.  Welsh singer Tom Jones

34.  Not a soft newspaper Hard Times

35. Basil’s wife Sybil

36. Ran Kent fines (anag.) Frankenstein

37. Male trio found on a sailing vessel Three Men in a Boat

38.Miss Church’s snare Charlotte’s web

39.A seasonal song A Christmas Carol

40.An urban area resembling a girl’s name A Town like Alice

41.The Holy traveller’s development The Pilgrim’s Progress

42.Miss Peel Emma

43.Take hold of two little ducks Catch 22

44.Desolute home Bleak House

45.Hostility and calm War and Peace

46.A lot of fuss about nowt  Much Ado About Nothing

47.Small females Little Women

48.Dreary bun bag (anag) Barnaby Rudge

49.Sorcerer from down under The Wizard of Oz

50.Many hues between black and white Fifty Shades of Grey

HIS AND HER(S) All of these answers contains either his or her.  Example; Sound a snake makes – HISS


51..Used to treat an allergic reaction.. Antihistamine

52.Curative treatment.. Therapy

53.Gaseous envelope that surrounds the earth.. Atmosphere

54.A Greek hero .. Hercules

55.A herb ..Chervil/shiso

56.Breach in unity ..Schism

57.Frivolous and silly person.. Featherbrain

58.To feel for others..Sympathise/empathise

59..National emblem of Scotland .. Thistle

60.Very refined ..Sophisticated

61.English furniture designer..Sheraton

62.Alcoholic drink .. Whisky/sherry

63.An American Law enforcer..Sheriff

64.Secret code ..Cipher

65.Burrowing animal..Gopher

66.The exclusive right to sell..Franchise

67..Male relations..Brothers/fathers/grandfathers


69.Heavenly, airy, spirit-like..Ethereal

70.Small cucumber used for pickling..Gherkin

71.Of past events..History/historical

72.To talk quietly ..Whisper

73.A person who made public declarations..Herald

74.Tool used for shaping wood, stone etc..Chisel

75.A brave woman.. Heroine